
Articles from this Category


Remember I posted a link to a web based “to do” list called “Remember the Milk“? Remeber the Milk was very good web tool to manage your to do lists. It even has offline mode using google gears. Now we have a new comer in the market: gubb gubb is a free web-based application with […]

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qik roam

http://qikroam.com QiK Roam is a solution to set you free from expensive roaming charges when using your mobile device while traveling. Instead of coming home to a nasty shock in the form of a gigantic bill from your cellular service provider, you can take advantage of Qik Roam’s hugely discounted voice and data rates in […]

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laconica or twitter or micro-blogging

Laconica is a Free and Open Source microblogging platform. It helps people in a community, company or group to exchange short (140 character) messages over the Web. Users can choose which people to “follow” and receive only their friends’ or colleagues’ status messages. It provides a similar service to sites like Twitter, Jaiku, and Plurk.

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Dimdim, the world’s easiest web conference delivers synchronized live presentations, whiteboards and web pages while sharing your voice and video over the Internet – with no download. It is open source, so I will be trying to install it in my servers 😉

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become a DJ

Great idea. Like facebook but you are a DJ. You follow the DJ you like. You can put your own music. Great http://blip.fm/

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Secure your mac

Secure your mac: MacTrak (traking service for mac. Activating it via web. Costs 60USD for life and all machines. It sends pictures and locatation when you activate it. Location in not just IP but wifi hotspot location) iAlertU (free alarm that activates by movement, keyboard, unplugging, mouse. Sends email with picture of person trying to […]

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http://www.dilandau.com Download mp3 for free. Tons of music.

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a.nnotate Do you review documents and find existing methods awkward and time consuming? Do you need to gather feedback from several people? Would you like an easier way to keep track of all your documents? A.nnotate.com lets you easily give, collect and store detailed notes on documents and web pages.

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http://neatco.com/products/neatreceipts It will make you live easy: NeatReceipts is a mobile scanner and digital filing system that helps you manage all of your paperwork on the computer.  NeatReceipts includes NeatWorks software that identifies and extracts the important information from receipts, business cards and documents and automatically organizes it for you.  All scanned documents can be […]

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Coach Surfing

http://www.couchsurfing.com Couch Surfing is a huge community of people around 230 countries offering their couch for you to sleep for free. Yeap… if you have a couch and you want to share it, sign in!

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