August 30, 2009
Here I am at the “Eden Palace au Lac” in a balcony in a nice suit in the fifth floor facing the lake. Nuria is working while I relax here listening to the economist with my iPhone.
August 28, 2009
Mobilizy GmbH reveals a preview of it’s augmented reality navigation system, the first fully functional mobile AR navigation system available for the Android platform. Wikitude Drive was developed by the Mobilizy Research & Development group in Salzburg, Austria, to satisfy the curiosity of the developers to see if it was feasible to combine real-time navigation […]
August 28, 2009
‘SixthSense‘ is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. The SixthSense prototype is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device. Both […]
August 27, 2009
We are all day listening to the tech news and they talk about the future, Google making this new Google OS that will be open source and will be basically in the cloud. Amazon offering cloud space and processing power. Are we going to live in the cloud in the near future? Some people have […]
August 26, 2009
Google Reader is a very useful service for consuming your news feeds (assuming you still use RSS), but it lives in the browser, which means it doesn’t the responsiveness and polish of a desktop app. For all those Mac users out there looking for the best of both worlds, I present to you Gruml, a new desktop […]
August 26, 2009
French app development shop PresseLite appears to have the first Augmented Reality (AR) supporting iPhone app live in the iTunes store, though we don’t know how they did it. It’s called Metro Paris Subway, and while the app isn’t new, it released a new version last week that added an AR overlay that displays information […]
August 24, 2009
Snow Leopard is nearly here. You can already pre-order it. Click on the link to see what is new.