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The Seatle apartment

Chelsea brought this article and this fantastic little apartment to my attention. I am guilty of not covering apartments very often but I love the use of space in this one and you must see it. The article written by The Seattle Times Rebecca Teagarden is titled “Tiny apartment shows the value of a good […]

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Gmail Priority Inbox to sort your messy inbox by priorities

Google is rolling out Priority Inbox for Gmail. For Google apps user it will be rolled out next week. The idea is to handle messy inboxes, by applying rules. Take a look at the video:

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Monday, let laugh a bit…

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Mac tip: Save PDF to Web Receipt folder

This is a small tip that can be helpful for those buying stuff via internet. When you are done with the transaction and you have the receipt on the screen, what do you normally do? Well in most cases you print it out, then you don’t know if the printer is on, if there is […]

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Youtube now opens a film section with more then 400 free titles

You are not going to find blockbusters but it is quite a move for youtube: YouTube Movies Browse movies, from great documentaries such as home to films nobody knows because probably they don’t have any rights, or they are so old that they have expired. Anyway, take if there is nothing on TV, it is […]

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What the f**k is…

Looking for social media strategies in twitter I bumped into a couple of funny sites that I would like to share with you: WHAT THE FUCK IS MY SOCIAL MEDIA “STRATEGY”? It is like the bullshitr generator that I have mentioned earlier but with “social media” terms. It is inspired on: WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD […]

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Mophie and Intuit partner to create Complete Card Solution for iPhone, try to make Square look square

Who knew that credit card processing would be the new hotness for smartphones? The Square mobile payment system has been making waves by letting small businesses receive credit card payment directly on their smartphones. Now, mophie and Intuit are looking to get in on the same action with their Complete Card Solution for iPhone. It’s […]

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Now Google Voice in your Gmail: Call US and Canada for free

Google is adding google voice into your gmail. Not in google apps, sure. If you have a gmail account, and you are in the US, then you can call for free to the US and Canada directly from your Gmail page. Google voice is not available outside the US so it is not usefull for […]

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Cute Stickers For Apple Portable Devices

Hello all Apple fanciers, you may get something new and interesting for your portable devices! Each sticker here features a perfect combination with the same element- apple, therefore you’ll find all them perfectly suit your iPod and iPhone. Yups, it’s time to pay more attention to the back of your “Apple”! Selling Price: $3.90-$13.90 Buy […]

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Shuffler.fm Plays a Continuous Stream of Songs Directly from Music Blogs

Most music streaming services offer some kind of Wikipedia-style write-up on the artist that’s currently playing. Shuffler.fm does one better, switching between music blogs in your chosen genre and streaming tracks from recent posts. In other words, it’s a more music-nerd-y Pandora. In practice, shuffler.fm sits as a music control bar at the top of […]

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