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Like a stripped-down Segway, Inventist‘s new Solowheel is geared for the mobile urbanite. The “self-balancing electric unicycle” operates through gyroscopic technology, which a 1000-watt rechargeable lithium-ion battery powers. On a full charge (which takes about 45 minutes), the Solowheel lasts two hours—but the battery actually recaptures energy when going downhill. Weighing only 20 pounds and consisting of […]

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snow tyres for your bicycle

Do you have snow where you live? Would you like to use your bicycle but it is too slippery? Well, here you have a DIY tip: SNOWPOCALYPSE! No matter how much we swear we’ve learned our lessons, Seattle always seems to get caught by surprise by the snow. There we were, minding our own business with […]

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