We woke up early, but we couldn’t leave the house until noon. Logistics are difficult with a 2 month old…
We packed the car and we headed towards Annecy after stoping by Nuria’s office because she had to drop some stuff there.
Once on the road, everything went smooth. Kai would sleep and wake up every 3 hours (so 3 times in total) to eat, so we stopped in the nearest exit to change his dippers and feed him.
Once in Barcelona the weather changed… raining… but there it was, my mum and my brother waiting for us. Finally my brother got to know Kai.
Now to organise ourselves in order to meet the maximum amount of people in these few days before taking the plane to Miami. By the way, I learned that we will have to change planes in Madrid…
1 comment
Comment by Barbara
Barbara February 19, 2010 at 1:04 pm
Holes!!! Benviguts a Barcelona!! quin retrobament més emocionant, no ??? En fi, aquí tots tenim ganes de conèixer el Kai. Nosaltres venim demà a Barcelona. Ja em diras quan us va bé que ens veiem!!! Petons a tots!! B&A&S&N