The last few days I have not been posting in the blog because I was in Ovronnaz enjoying thermal baths for 3 days with Nuria and Kai. Yes Kai did try too
I wrote a couple of stories with the iPhone wordpress app but they were lost…
Ovronnaz is at 2 hours from here and it is surrounded by snowed mountains. When we arrived we went to our little studio and then to the baths. All buildings are like huge chalets and they are all connected. It was -6 degrees celsius and it was snowing.
I have never had the chance of being in an outside pool with all the mountains painted in white, bubble below you at 37 degrees and snow falling in your face. Quite an experience. I do recommend it. If you choose to go to this particular complex, make sure you choose one of the chalet buildings close to the services and with a studio which is facing south and not located in the ground floor.
It was quite a test to see how our little 7 week old Kai was doing. He did pretty well. I guess he is ready for the big one then.
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