Well well, here I am again, at many miles over the sea, well actually over the desert probably, in my way to Rwanda, Kigali to be precise.
Again, I was planning to go with my ducati to the airport, as I have done for the past few times. This time, though, the flight was at a more than reasonable hour, at 8.20am. Well, I was about to leave the house around 7am when I realized that the ouside temperature was –2. Dammed. I was already cold… and of course going to Kigali with hand luggage it makes no sense to be carrying the big motorbike jacket and trousers…
Nuria was awake so finally she drove me…
Once in the plane they announced that in Brussels there was only one runway open for take offs and landings due to the wind. Well that means that we had to wait for nearly one hour in the plane in Geneva. Honestly we thought we were not going to be able to catch the connecting flight, we only hoped that the delays would apply to all flights, including the one going to Kigali.
That was the case, so here I am, in the first row of business class, after reading part of my ton of documents, had a great lunch and watched what was probably the last movie I had left to watch from this route. Now I was expanding my readings to some documents I have not printed but that I have on my Vaio.
I will be going back home on Saturday night. The flights this time were busy due to a One UN conference that it is taking place now in the Serena Hotel in Kigali.
Well, I don’t want to talk about job in my blog, just about my trips and my passions (technology, internet, social media, photography and so).
Photography it has been a while since I don’t add photos to my norai.net site. In fact it is a bit sad but when I come here, one of the most beautiful countries in Africa, I do not even take the camera… but believe me, the only thing I see is the Iris Guesthouse and the Ministry of Trade.
Well if I don’t want to talk about job then I can talk about other things:
I am going to be a father for the first time in December. Nuria and I are attending this courses in the Hospital to learn about the x day, and everything. Pretty interesting. Yesterday we did the breathing thing.
A couple of weeks ago after a lot of research looking for the perfect prawn we finally bought it.
The choice was taking into consideration a set of issues:
- All our friends, they started buying fancy kits, like the bugaboo, but after 6 months most of them ended buying one of this umbrella prawns, like the mclaren.
- Size and weight are very important, as well as the fact that they can last as long as possible, preferably from 0 to 3 or 4 years.
The conclusion was bebeconfort mila, a 2009 model of this brand. An umbrella sort of prawn, which weights less than 7 kg, that you can fold with one hand and standing, and that is less than 1m so you can take it in the cabin of an airplane. Also where you can attach a maxi-cosi for the car (that we also bought) creatis.fix and eventually the other one that it is like a small bed for newborns (that I bought two days ago on ebay at a third of its price, second hand but used one month).
So now we have everything to take him around.
We also went to Ikea where we bought a lot of stuff.
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