Arf (Georgia Tech)
a virtual pet you take anywhere
ARghhhh (Georgia Tech)
first person table-top action game
Sekai Camera (Tonchidot)
AirTag the real world
Kweekies (int13)
a portal to creatures in a parallel world
Layar (SPRXmobile)
Browse the world with an AR browser
Artoolkit for the iPhone (Artoolworks)
the most popular AR kit now on the iPhone
StudierStube ES (Imagination, Graz TU)
the only AR engine designed for mobile devices, now on iPhone
PTAM on the iPhone (Oxford University)
next generation AR tracking with no markers or images
Wikitude (Mobilizy)
a travel guide that “tells you what you see”
Virtual Santa (Metaio)
interactive Christmas application using the augmented reality
Augmented Reality Sightseeing (Fraunhofer IGD)
Historic photographs overlaid on your field of view while strolling in a street
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