Keep all those resolutions you made. mysomeday is a website that helps you to make a list to keep track of these ‘Somedays’.
You can share them with Friends and the community or keep them private.
For each Someday, we’ll show you related step-by-step Plans for achievement. You can copy and customize a Plan or build your own.
They’ll also show you people in your area that have similar Somedays.
If none exist you can post an ‘Open Invite’ so others can find you. You can help others by posting a Plan with the steps you used to achieve your Someday. You can help others get on the right track by posting comments. Each time your comments are found helpful, your Altruism Rating goes up and you can promote your product/services by posting a Plan. The better the Plan, the more likely it will be copied and the more attention you’ll get.
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